viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

5.-estudy the position of the verbs adverbs in exercice 4.then order the words to make sentences.
1.we always speak English in class
2.fernando occasionally knows the answers
3.i hardly ever lose my books
4.we don´t often change classes

3.-read the text again and answer the questions.
1.what has Laura got in her wallet? her buss pass,a library card, photos and electronic cd do the teachers know where the students are in Laura’s school? with the id card
3.has Laura got her mobile phone at school? Why/why not? But is respect the rules  
4.what religion is phra pachak?
5.what do boys learn about possessions in the monastery? Aren´t important
6.what possessions  has phra pachak got in the monastery? he goes two bowls and umbrella

2.-complete the text with seven of the words
Attila lives in iran.his family are nomads .nomads don´t live in one place. They live their  things from one place to another. Attila doesn´t study; he works with his father. His father sometimes things , but he carries ned a lot. it´s a simple life. Life in Britain is different . people carry a lot of things, but they  don´t use them.

3.- study the spelling rules. Then copy and complete the table with the third person form of the verbs.
Most verbs                              verbs ending in                                verbs ending in –o,-ch,-sh,-x and
Add –s                                      consonant plas –y                           -es
                                                  Remove –y  add -ies

Needs,works,wears              carries,studies                                    watches,passes,finishes,goes   
6.-listen again and answer  the questions.
1 where does Joshua live? In america
2 how many pairs of sports shoes does he wear every day? 1o2 pairs
3 does he need more shoes? Yes he does
4 do Chloe and Rachel spend all of their money on their clothes? yes they do
5 what do they buy apart from bags? Wallet,jewellery,purses
6 do they always buy the bags? Their parents also buy bags

2.-order the words to make questions.
1 what do you read?
2 how do you know
3 where does she spend her money?
4 do you go shopping with your parents?
5 does your teacher study Italian?

3.-write questions for the answers
1 yes, I like his collect a lot. does he like collect?
2 no, she doesn´t. she lives in Spain. does he live in america 
3 I meet them in town. Where do you meet them?
4 he collects comics. what does collect?
5 they play on Saturdays.what do they play?

4.-write a question with each of these words. Use do or does.
1 where do you them?                         4 why does collect trainers?
2 when do you read?                            5 how often do play football?
3 what does he likes?                            6 what time do get up?

5.-copy and complete the table with the sentences.
1 my friend hates spending money. hate
2 he likes reading novels. like
3 we don´t mind studying. doesn´t like
4 they love listening to music. like
5 I don´t like going shopping. doesn´t like

6.-correct the sentences
1 we love watching tv.
2 john doesn´t mind studying
3 kate doesn´t like listen to rock music
4 my parents don´t hate buying things on the internet

7.-write eight sentences using the words .use the –ing form of the verbs in brackets. You can use the words more than once.
I don´t like go shoppinhg
She doesn´t like read
They don´t like study

2.-choose de correct words A,B or C.
1 joe often plays computer games
2 they don´t study italian
3 what music does she like?
4 he hates shopping. he often buys new clothes
5 I’ve usually have €20 in my purse
6 Lucy doesn´t like collecting things
7 they hate reading comics
8 does he like rock music? Yes he does
9 is there a maths exams?
10 do you spend much money on jewellery?

3.-correct the sentences and questions
1 we hardly ever go to the cinema.
2 he studies English
3 how often do you use a laptop?
4 they wear now jewellery
5 I hate watching TV
6 she always goes to school

4.-translate the sentences and questions
1 I sometimes wear make-up. yo a veces voy maquillado
2 they love reading. A ellos le encanta leer
3 does lisa collect sunglasses? Colecciona lisa gafas de sol
4 he doesn´t need any money.el  no necesita nada de dinero
5 I hardly ever use an umbrella. yo casi nunca uso paraguas
6 where do you go shopping?.donde vas tu de compras

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